Dave Jackson

Supervising Criminalist; DNA Technical Leader
Dave Jackson, M.Sc., MCSFS, has been the DNA Technical Leader and Supervising Criminalist at the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Forensic Science Division for the past two years, having previously spent ten years at the San Francisco Police Department Crime Lab supervising their Forensic Biology Unit. Currently, Dave is overseeing a
major update of workflow, instrumentation, and analysis methods in the Washoe County DNA lab, and is excited to see the improvement in services to the community that these changes will bring. Dave has examined several hundred DNA cases and testified many times in the United States as an expert in DNA analysis. He is an FBI Quality Assurance Standards auditor, and an accreditation assessor for the ISO standards in forensic laboratories. He graduated from the University of Liverpool, UK, with a Bachelor of Science Honors Degree in Genetics, and from the University of Central Lancashire, UK, with a Master of Science Degree in DNA Profiling.
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